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British/ American newspapers and media

Lors de vos présentations, il est important de citer la source de l'article (qui est systématiquement donnée) et eventuellement de dire quelques mots sur celle ci. Le plus souvent les articles proposés sont choisis dans la presse quotidienne ou hébdomadaire britannique et américaine (the Times, the Independent, USA today, the NY Times .....) , mais on trouvera également des extraits de magazines (the Economist, Newsweek.....), de publications spécialisées (LegalWeek, the Law Society Gazette , the ABA journal ...) ) , voire d'articles tirés des sites internet des grands médias télévisuels anglo-saxons ( BBC, CNN.....)

Voici quelques informations sur les plus connus:


British Newspapers

Traditionally, 2 types of newspapers . Division based on format :

Broadsheet newspapers (large size): also called "quality" papers. Serious and informative newspapers

Tabloid newspapers (smaller size) : popular press (sometimes called pejoratively "gutter" press) : based on the 3S-formula : sex, scandal and sport.... They have a larger circulation than broadsheet newspapers. (There is very little chance for you to have an article from a tabloid newspaper.)

In recent years, some quality papers (the Times, the Independent) have moved to a compact format, close to tabloids.(mainly because itis easier to handle) . However, the word "broadsheet" is still used for these newspapers.


Broadsheet newspapers

  • Daily Telegraph Largest circulation for a quality newspaper (less than 1M ) . Very conservative. Close to the Tory Party. Anti European .

  • the Times The oldest national daily newspaper. Slightly conservative . Generally seen as a serious publication with high standards of journalism. Owned by press mogul Rupert Murdoch

  • the Independent More recent (launched in 1986). Leans slightly to the left. Very pro-European

  • the Guardian A favourite with teachers, students, trade unionists.... Left-wing quality daily newspaper.

       Pro-European. Recently openly Republican (anti-monarchy)

  • the Observer Basically, the Sunday edition of the Guardian.

  • i  the most recent . Compact newspaper Primarily aimed at younger readers and commuters

  • Metro  Free newspaper.  Wide availability in the major cities

  • the Financial Times British international business newspaper


  • the Scotsman Largest Scottish quality newspaper (circulation: 100,000

  • Tabloids:  the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Daily Express , the Daily Record.......


We can add a major British magazine : the Economist ., a weekly news and international affairs publication. Consider themselves politically as "liberal centre".


American Newspapers

Apart from the only "national" newspaper USA Today, some major daily newspapers are sold nationally (New York Times, Wall Street Journal) or cover large areas (LA Times in the West, Washington Post in the East....). All major metropolitan areas also have their own local newspapers.(Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle...) .


  • USA Today The only strictly "national" newspaper . Widest circulation of any newspaper in the USA (2,500,000) . In

       colour. Well-known for its national polls on public sentiment.

  • the New York Times Second biggest after USA Today. Motto: "all the news that's fit to print". Has won 95 Pulitzer prizes, far

      more than any other newspaper. Often regarded as the national newspaper of record

  •  the LA Times Second-largest metropolitan newspaper and the third-most widely distributed newspaper in the US.

       Impressive in its week end edition which weighs more than 2 kilos.

  • the Washington Post Slightly Democrat (have always supported Democrat candidates for elections) . Famous during the

       Watergate scandal.

  • the Wall Street Journal Widely read international daily newspaper . Primarily covers U.S. and international business and financial news and issues

  • Other main regional newspapers the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe, the San Francisco Chronicle......

  • Many local newspapers Dallas Morning News, Miami Herald, Times Picayune, the Palm Beach Post, the Detroit News, the Cincinatti Enquirer , the star telegram ; the Pittsburgh Post Gazette etc...

  • International Herald Tribune International daily newspaper created in the US but now printed in 33 cities in the world. Owned by the NY Times. 2/3 of its readers are non-Americans.


We can add 2 major American magazines : Time and Newsweek . Newsweek tends to approach issues from a liberal/progressive standpoint . Time magazine's most famous feature over its 86 years has been the annual "Person of the Year" (formerly "Man of the Year") cover story, in which Time recognizes the individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest effect on the year's news.






BBC news (online): online edition of the famous British national Channel. Often considered as a reference.


Legal newspapers and Journals: the Lawyer, Legal week , the Law Journal, Legal IT, the Law Society Gazette , Solicitors journal , etc 




CNN online : online/web edition of the famous American Channels

Other TV channels with online editions : ABC, MSNBC, CBS


US legal newspapers and magazines: Jurist, ABA Journal, the Am Law Daily, the New York Law Journal, Cal Law .....




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